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Quality Inspection Department: EU Food Adulteration and Refurbishment

Release time:2016-11-04 10:38:00 Visits:471 Issuer:NANJING DU-HOPE INTERNATIONAL GROUP

This month's report released by the Joint Research Center (JRC) shows that the situation of food adulteration in the European Union is not optimistic, with wine and aquatic products being the first to be among them. During the investigation of 156 suspected adulteration projects, it was found that 21% of the products had "abnormal" phenomena, especially a large number of problems in Manuka honey, lamb, and olive oil. In addition, Europol and Interpol investigations have also found that the proportion of seasoning adulteration is very high, accounting for as much as 66% of problematic products; The adulteration of fruits and vegetables followed closely, accounting for 15% of the problematic products; The illegal production of wine and illegal trade cannot be ignored.

In addition, the illegal addition of Copper monosulfide to olive oil to improve the color and taste of olive oil is also a new adulteration method. So quality testing methods always lag behind the "innovation" of counterfeiters. It was also discovered by accident that Plasticizer was added illegally in Taiwan that year.

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